Tuesday, June 1, 2010


*** I always had an idea to write something like this long ago. Don't know why it took me so long to get to it. Finally got myself creative enough to think about this and write it***

This is what You mean to me.

Main Entry: You
Pronunciation: \ˈyü, yə also yē\
Function: pronoun

1. A person that I really look forward to having a conversation with everyday.

2. The sender of messages that will make my day. My sister says I have the stupid big smile on my face everytime you message me =)

3. Have a smile that, for the 1st time in a very long time, make me feel like its the most beautiful smile in the world. A smile that tells me I should make you smile more often cause its definitely worth it.

4. may be of very different personality from me, but it has never occured to me that it is a bad thing. Different as we maybe, I think I just don't give you the confidence that I can get it right.

5. make me smile like an idiot just thinking about you.

6. and I have the same views on life, and talking to you is sometimes like talking to myself.

7. make me enjoy being random for once in my life.

8. are not as bad of a person as you make yourself to be. Maybe it's just me lacking the spark.

9. do not pretend to be someone different whenever we meet, however rare that maybe. And I enjoy you just being you.

10. tell me about your past and put yourself down all the time. I think it maybe just your luck that these people don't appreciate you like I do. I tell myself this all the time.

11. have that smile, that look on your face when you are happy, tells me its all worth it.

12. all those previous experiences you have doesnt mean you are a bad person. In fact, I think you are pretty great just the way you are.

13. don't know how bad I feel everytime I'm not by your side everytime you suffert a setback. A reassuring hug and a shoulder to lend. I'm constantly worried about your welfare, health and etc.

14. are the person who makes me feel that; everytime I walk beside you and our arms brush each other, I just want to hold your hand and never let go.

15. When you tell me and other people that you wish some1 actually wants you, deep inside, I'm yearning to say its me!

16. are the person to whom I am more than happy to make this promise: I know I can make you happy for a long time to come and the only tears you will shed will be tears of joy.

17. make me want to put a smile on your face, everyday, just like how the sun needs to rise every morning

18. are always on my mind. I cannot pinpoint exactly what I like about you. Its just the whole package that you bring. You are you, doesnt matter if you have any bad traits or not. Nobody is perfect. I am far from being perfect myself.

19. know you need more time for yourself. To gain back your lost self confidence. I'm sorry if my timing is off. Maybe I was a bit selfish to put my own happiness before yours. But anyhow, I will still stand by you, help you back on your feet. Thats my promise. I still wished I hadn't opened my mouth because I knew the timing was wrong but in the end, i think my selfish self wanted you sooner rather than later. I'm sorry if from now onwards you are less receptive towards me. I somehow now regret spilling out my feelings too soon.

20. and your smile. I look at the pictures with your smile in it, and I can honestly say, it could bring me to tears. For its one of the most beatiful sights I have ever laid my eyes on. And I still remember which day it was when I saw that smile. And suddenly, it struck me. That smile. Your smile. You =)

Boodyboy, out!!!

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