Sunday, February 7, 2010

Call me a chauvinist

Thoughts that ran thru my head as I was driving back just now.

1. I don't really fancy playing against a mixed doubles pair in badminton

2. Sometimes, i feel like idiot. Wondering why do I act so awkwardly in some situations and be as cool as a cucumber in other situations even though the conditions of those situations are almost the same?

3. Sometimes, driving back into the sunset while listening to some emo song in my CD sucks. :-(
Especially when I'm still kicking myself over item #2 above.

Okay, let me go thru the above thought 1 by 1.

1. I'm not a chauvinist, but when I play against a mixed doubles pair, my partner has to be female. I don't really enjoy having a male partner then playing against a mixed pair. My competitive nature automatically shuts down. I love to play when the teams are even.

SOme may argue that the female maybe better than male players (I agree in certain situations), but most of the time, it is the opposite that is true. Plus, being a chauvinist that some ppl reading this may think (though i vehemently deny this), I don't smash at female players. Well of course, unless both pairs are mixed then everything is up for grabs. I wont purposely aim at the girl though, otherwise it might seem that I'm so desperate to win, i'll take advantage of the weaker sex (Disclaimer: usually the weaker player).

However, if i'm the guy with the female partner playing against 2 guys, then thats a different story. I'll go all out, knowing that I can play to my potential to win.

Last but not least, I prefer to think that I practice CHIVALRY, not chauvinism.

2. I dont know if its me, but i think no matter how comfortable I am with a large group of friends or people i know, I automatically shut myself down most of the time. Suddenly my body has the urge to become a chameleon and just make myself unnoticed. I get into awkward conversations, or into no conversations at all (I'll do stuff like look busy, playing with my phone when there is absolutely nothing for me to do with it). Then I kick myself after that when i drive home alone =..=""

Of course this is something that i'm trying to change. Easier said than done, but I'm still trying. So to those people who just got to know me not long ago, its not that I'm shy or unsociable, my body somehow just cocoons itself when there is a fair bit of ppl. I'm better in small groups of maybe 5-6 ppl at most. Thats when the real me shows itself :-)

3. Thats just plain old emo me. Especially when my mind gets kicked into hyper thinking mode. Self bashing and regretting is included free at the same time :-(

But glad I got home soon, or else the day mught get gloomier, skies may seem darker (it is already dark now anyway, 7.30pm). Then the Rain and singing along to "all by myself" images will start coming to my mind.

Well anyways, those are just random thoughts that go thru my mind when i drove back. Welcome to Boodyboy's weird thoughts!

Boodyboy, out!!

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