Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ideas ebb and flow...

Like the tides. When it is high tide, I seem to have endless ideas on what to post on the blog. On the days when the tide is low, I'm usually too occupied to think. I don't think. And hence, I have no ideas.

Its times like these when i struggle to come up with material to blog about.
I try to force myself to think creatively, but it doesnt work. U cannot force creativity. It will work when it wants to...

So what have I been up to that made me so idea-less?

The fact that I've been doing a lot of workout foe the past 3 weeks.
This weeks schedule is:

Sunday - Badminton
Monday - Gym
Tuesday - Futsal
Wednesday - Gym
Thursday - Badminton
Friday - Futsal
Saturday - Badminton
Sunday - Badminton and Futsal
Monday - Gym
Tuesday - Futsal...

The next time I'll probably take a break is next Wednesday. Some may fear that i will suffer a burnout. But at the moment, I dont feel burned out. Not tonight. Not anytime soon I hope.

The only side effect from all these is that I tend to need more hours of sleep nowadays. And the best thing is I actually fall asleep easier at night.

I usedto take a long time to fall asleep, tossing and turning in bed, with my mind wandering. Now, my mind is just too tired. Oh yes, the other side effect is my lack of ideas for this blog.
I really hope its not related :-(

Boodyboy, out!!!

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