Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The "Burung"s and the "Lebah"s

Ahhh... The Birds and the bees, how can any1 of us forget the feeling when this topic comes up in conversations with family.

Personally, I still feel a bit uncomfortable talking about this topic, especially when it comes to family members. Which makes me wonder, would it be easier if we taught them in schools instead? Maybe if it was taught publicly, then maybe, just maybe, we would be less inclined to have a healthy conversation about SEX.

I guess most of us would have less than formal education about the birds and the bees (Although the only formal education I had about it was Form 4 Biology : The Reproductive System). In school, we only learnt the parts of the reproductive system. But unfortunately, we weren't taught of what it can do and how to go about doing it, the right and responsible way.

Well recently, this brother of one had the strange experience when my sister began asking me some Bird and Bee-esque type questions. On one hand I'm a bit unsettled, partly because I myself have not thought about talking about it. On the other hand, I think it's much better if she asks a family member rather than finding out from friends and etc (not to say that family always gives the best advice while friends tells her thrash, but I'd like to think that I'm not bullshitting when it comes to topics like this).

I don't know if she has asked my parents about it, cause as far as I was concerned, I never spoke to them about it. I only remembered one occasion that topic came up and it was one of the most uncomfortable 10 minutes of my life, followed by another 15 minutes of uncomfortable silence on my part.

I can't say that my education on this topic has all come from the most appropriate and medically proven channels, but I guess I wouldn't be caught looking dumb when it comes to topics like this. And of course, this was due to my habit of reading encyclopedias and "How-to, Why-does" books when I was a kid.

Well, onto my little moments of discomfort with my sister. Although I was a bit apprehensive when answering my sister, but I guess, despite my lack of experience, I am capable of giving decent answers to her queries. So give answers I did. The Q&A didn't last long, but I get a little of them, day by day.

Sigh, the questions she pose makes me realise my sister is all grown up. And being a grown up, it's my duty as her brother to make sure she gets the information right so she can make the right decisions herself. As much as I'd love to decide what's best for her, thats part of the lifecycle. There's only so much I can do now. While I maybe worried to what the answers to the questions will lead to, I will have to trust her judgment that she knows whats best. (Yes I know I sound like a control freak)

But I'm glad she asked me =)

Boodyboy, out!!!

p.s. If you do have questions on the above topic, I would be glad to try and answer your queries, in private to avoid public discomfort :-)

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