Friday, June 25, 2010


No, I'm not talking about insurance nor am i talking about damages in civil law.

I'm talking about human behaviour. I'm not sure how many of you remember the first Shrek movie. After Shrek rescues the princess locked up in the tower, she asks Shrek how does Lord Farquaad looks like. Shrek and Donkey then makes fun of Lord Farquaad's height and size.

Now in the movie, Lord Farquaad does try to percevie himself as overly powerful and wants to give the impression that he is the boss, the biggest authority in the land. And this despite his small size. Here, Lord Farquaad hides hides imperfection, his flaw of being short and small, by trying to be all powerful and dictatorial in the way he rules his kingdom. He wants to be larger than life.

If we try to put this into the real world situation, we humans behave the same way.

We will always find ways to compensate something that is missing in us or our flaws. Yes, it is a form of insecutiry, but most people will never acknowledge it. Of course they won't acknowledge they are trying to compensate for it. That would be equivalent of admitting they they have a flaw.

Some people who always wished they played professional golf, will end up trying to groom their child to play golf when they are young, as a way of using the kids to fulfill their dreams. Compensation.

Some adults will suffer from what most people term as "mid-life crisis". Here what these adults would do is that they will indulge in things they wished they had when they were much younger and when it was not within their grasps. Compensation.

Some people, when depressed, find solace in work. They force themselves to be so busy with work that they litrally do not mind burying themselves in work so they wont have time to think of depressing matters at their hands. They would hope that by doing this in the long run, they will get better and soon will be able to let all these problems slip away. Compensation.

Some adults who never grew up in a proper loving family, will alway hope that sometime in the future, when they have their own family, this will be rectified. They will believe that they should do their utmost best to make the children have a happy family and enjoyable childhood. Compensation.

Some people, whom are guilty of commiting a crime (serious or otherwise) may feel guilty and later in life decides to do more charitable work in order to compensate the horrible things they have done previously. Compensation.

In the end, we will always try to make a situation feel perfect to us. But we have to realise that we, as humans, are not perfect. It is acceptable to have flaws in our lives. Compensating maybe a way of motivation, but overcompensating is when u start to become disillusioned. Things go way out of hand, and then it will lead to extremist behaviour. The key is to use compensation sparingly.

Compensation. I have done and still practice some form of compensation. Have you?

Boodyboy, out!!!

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